I went to the rock show but my #1 crush wasn't there so I stood outside and ember to assed it, walked home to jerk off.
Did you know if you send soiled panties via USPS they are classified as BIOLOGICAL WASTE?
I tried to sell used panties but they were flagged and removed from craigslist.com within 30 minutes.
Here are some of the replies I got in that 1/2hr:
Clifton McReynolds askes: "you can send a pic of your underware that you have forsale?" and "just emailed asking for pic. how do you send your underware and do they still have any sent on them"
KMo1695779@aol.com: "let's see what you have to offer" and "Ok, are you different than the same ad from Seattle? if so, let's see what you have"
Milkman5am says: "No not unlegal sale used panties with germs smell yucky."
Craigslist says:
Your posting has been flagged for removal.
Approximately 98% of postings removed are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines.
Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use:
If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking in our flag help forum: http://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=3. Include posting title, body, category, city, how often posted, any images, HTML markup, etc.
If your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost.
Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding.
Approximately 98% of postings removed are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines.
Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use:
If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking in our flag help forum: http://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=3. Include posting title, body, category, city, how often posted, any images, HTML markup, etc.
If your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost.
Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding.
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